Standing Firm

The Road to Men's Summit

Live It Out

Just Hold On

April 20, 2024

“So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.”

Hebrews 6:18 NLT

At 18 years old, I was involved in a horrific car accident. During a road trip my family and I took through West Virginia, a large Jeep slammed into me as it was travelling 60mph in a 30mph speed limit. My Chevy Blazer was demolished as it rolled off the side of the road, my parents watching from their rearview mirror in their separate car.  

The impact immediately knocked me out as it broke my back, shattered my pelvis, lacerated my spleen, and ruptured one of the main arteries to my heart’s aorta. To this day, doctors still communicate to me that I am a walking and talking miracle as there is no medical explanation of how I lived.  

Because I was knocked unconscious, I don’t remember seeing or feeling any of this in that moment, but I did remember hearing a few things: the sound of the helicopter as it transported me to an emergency hospital where I would later have open heart surgery, the doctors in my ICU room discussing the extent of my injuries overlayed by the sounds of the machines keeping me alive, and my dad speaking over me, “It’s gonna be okay, Son, it’s gonna be okay. I’ve got you. Hold on. Jesus, please help.” What I learned later was that my father spoke this exact thing over me as he pulled me out of my wrecked vehicle and carried me to a safe nearby field.  

You may be reading this in the absolute worst wreckage of your life where everything around you is decimated. You’re just trying to survive, and you don’t see a way out. It seems wrecked, broken, and shattered beyond all repair. Know this – your Father in heaven is holding you, carrying you through as He declares, “It’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be ok. I’ve got you. Hold on. I am helping.”  

Amid the wreckage you may find yourself in, hold on to the hope that is found in Jesus, that since you have made your commitment to Him, He will pull you out when it seems impossible. Whether you lost a job, or you’re in a hurting marriage, or you’re caught up in the weight of sin, there is nothing that God cannot rescue you from. Just hold on.


Lord, sometimes it seems that the mess around me is too big to crawl out of. There is never a time I do not need Your help. You have rescued me time and time again. There may I have been times I did not notice, but I see that You have always been with me, and I am only here today by Your love and grace. Help me in the mess I may be in today and remind me to call out to You when I need Your help the most. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Extra Reading

“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the

Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”

Colossians 1:13-14 NLT

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