Standing Firm

The Road to Men's Summit

Biblical Truths & Promises

Courage In The Word

April 14, 2024

“They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.”

Psalm 1:3 NLT

Our job as men of God is one of the greatest callings there is. When we become so close to our heavenly Father that He willingly gives us responsibility to care for our spouses, our children, our careers, our finances the way that He knows best, we know that it is a great blessing to have. However, this does not mean we are invulnerable to outside threats and anxiety.

As we age and take on more roles, more things, more responsibility, we can become overwhelmed by the stress of the world. For men, the world has told us that we need to just put up with it. Men have been neglected and forgotten about because the culture has formed this idea that we should be able to deal with our problems on our own. Unfortunately, many of us believe these lies because we want to prove how strong and capable we are, when, in reality, we’re just as worried as anybody else would be.

Like others, we need a source of everlasting encouragement to keep us on track and focused on our heavenly calling. Take for instance the people of Israel in Joshua 1. For forty years, they wandered the desert because they lacked faith in God and disobeyed Him. However, a new generation had been born, and God, faithful to His covenant, desired them to cross into the Promised Land. So, when Joshua went into the presence of God, the Lord commanded him to maintain and keep His instruction, His word, and to be strong and courageous in Him as they went crossed the Jordan River into the Land the Lord had prepared for His people!

This encouragement the Lord gave to Joshua is the same given to us! Each of us have a great calling and blessing waiting for us that we need a push to step into. As we see here that push comes from keeping His word. Our God, in all of His grace and love, has given us a place we can always look back to find timely lessons that apply to our circumstances. These stories and commands, though written during a different time, are the same for us and our relationship with God. If you find yourself lost and confused about what to do, step into His word daily, and watch how He begins to work in your life.  


God, You are my refuge, my source of encouragement, my protector, and my provider. It is only because of Your power in me that I am able to live out my life the way You intended. I ask that in my times of worry I remember to dive into Your word. Use it to help me understand and see clearly. Rid me of all the lies and distractions of the world so I can walk into Your promise for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Extra Reading

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”

Romans 10:17 NLT

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

Hebrews 4:12 NLT

All of Joshua 1 NLT

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