Community Groups

Community Group facilitator Guide

 DAY ONE - Thursday, April 29th   

9:15 -9:55pm | Community Groups

Facilitator Intro Notes: (9:15-9:25)

·      GOAL: Establish community and have men see this time as valuable.

·      Be in the room and on the platform before men are dismissed from the main auditorium and greet men as they arrive.

·      It’s important that the facilitators do not spend too much time talking from the front during these sessions. This is not a time for preaching or teaching, but a time to get guys connected in community.

·      Have men break out into groups of 6-10 guys.

·      Have every group choose a leader. (You can do this however you choose. The simplest way is to simply have the guys point to their leader on the count of 3, and the guy with the most votes is the leader)


Discussion Questions: (9:25-9:53)

·      Icebreaker#1:

o  GroupScavenger Hunt – Rules: Within your Community Group, find as many of these items as possible in 10 MINUTES. You cannot leave your group area or borrow from other people. The items must be shown to others in the group. These must be real items and not pictures of them from your phone (unless the item is a picture). One point for the team when item is found. Someone must keep track of points.

·      Icebreaker#2:

o  1 Thing everyone in your group has in common and one thing unique to each person.
The group has to discuss one thing that they all can say they have in common.(EXCEPTIONS: “We are all men.” “We all are Christians” or similar low hanging fruit). Then they need to come up with unique facts that aren’t true of anyone else in the group.
FIRST GROUP TO FINISH RAISES THEIR HAND – facilitators determine who is first.Have the group come up and share their one thing in common.

·      DISCUSSION QUESTION – What’s the one thing you are expecting God to do at the Men’s Summit?


Facilitator Closing Notes: DISMISS BY 9:55

·      Have them all share cell phone numbers with the leader so they can stay in touch throughout the Summit

·      Tell groups to meet in the same area of the room FRIDAY MORNING at 8:15 for breakfast.

·      Encourage them to eat meals together.


Day Two - Session 2 Groups –April 30th


Facilitator Intro Notes: (8:15-8:30am)

·       GOAL – Get hearts primed for what God wants to do that day and start focusing on the theme – Revival Is Here.

·       Quick welcome (feel free to improvise herewith crowd engagement)

·       Re-explain the Competition while guys are eating

·       Recap Session 1 – to set up the discussion questions.

·       Facilitate the group discussion questions.


Discussion Questions: (8:30-9:30am)

·      We want to have each group leader take the lead on the discussion questions. We also want to move through all the questions in the 60 minutes we have. So, you will lead this from the platform.Give guys about 10 minutes for each question. You will be able to get a sense of the room to know how guys are doing. You can give more or less time for each question depending on how the room feels. If things start getting quiet, you can jump up and get them going on the next question. We will put the questions on the screen one at a time to that guys won’t rush through all the questions too quickly. Begin with finishing the question from last night.

·       Questions– (10 minutes on each question)

o  Questions #1 - What is the one thing you are expecting God to do at the Men’s Summit?

o  Question #2 - What was your main takeaway from Jonathan Evans’ session last night?

o  The theme of the Summit is “Revival Is Here.” What does this mean to you?

o  Question #3What is one thing keeping you from fully letting go and letting God work?

o  Question #4What are things that have kept you from sharing God’s love to others?

o  Question # 5 - Why is it important to expect Revival? And how does that expectation change my daily life?

o  Question # 6 What are some steps that I can take to advance Revival? What will that look like next week for me?


Facilitator Closing Notes: DISMISS BY 9:30am

·      Encourage guys to set up a group text and meet up for lunch.

·      Next session starts at 10:05.


Session 3 Groups
3:30 – 4:30 pm | Community Groups


Facilitator Notes:

·      GOAL – Establishing Next Steps for after theSummit.

·      Take a couple minutes to talk about your favorite part of the Summit so far. (3 Minutes)

·      Talk about the GOAL of this session. What is your NEXT STEP? (1 Minute)


Discussion Questions: (3:40-4:25)

·      Question#1 - What was the one thing you took away from today’s sessions?(10 Minutes)

o   We learned the, “Why” and the “How” during the session – Now, how do the “what” as a church?


·      Question– Topics to Discuss – Share the WHAT for your campus?

·      Prayer– Take time as a group to pray for one another. (5 minutes)


Facilitator Closing Notes:  DISMISS BY 4:30

·      Reminder about Session 4 (Tim Ross) starting at 7:00pm.

·      Close in prayer.



Within your Community Group, find as many of these items as possible. You cannot leave your group area or borrow from other people. The items must be shown to others in the group. These must be real items and not pictures of them from your phone (unless the item is a picture).

1.    SwissPocket Knife

2.    BeardComb

3.    Non-TexasDriver’s License

4.    AmericanExpress Card

5.    SomethingFlannel

6.    Band-Aid

7.    Non-prescription clear glasses

8.    CowboyBoots

9.    M&Ms

10. Child’s Toy

11. Cinnamon Toothpick

12. Texas CHL or LTC License

13. $100 Bill

14. Nail File

15. Scented Hand Sanitizer

16. Pocket Tissue Pack

17. Dog Tags

18. Something with bacon in it

19. Belt with your name on it

20.  Glass eye

21.  Contact Lenses

22. Earring

23. Business Card

24. Visible Tattoo

25. Pepto-Bismol

26. iPad

27. Chap stick

28. Picture of your Mom

29. Something with a Baseball

30. Toyota Key

31. Mechanical Pencil

32. Organ Donor Card

33. Lint Roller

34. Something Furry

35. Health Insurance Card

36. Fishing or Hunting License

37.  HandLotion

38. Starbucks Gift Card

39. Peppermints

40. Bolt or washer

41. Something Needing Repair

42. Ticket Stub (NOT for Men’s Summit)

43. 1982 Coin

44. Expired License

45. Smart Watch

46. Dentures or Fake Tooth

47. Pepper Spray

48. Wintergreen Gum

49. Receipt

50. Wallet Size Diploma

51. Traffic Violation

52. Scripture

53. Yarn or String

54. Screw or Nail

55. Scar on your face


Tie Breaker Question– Who has the youngest guy in your group? Group with the youngest member wins.


FrequentlyAsked Questions


Can we rearrange or add to the room in any way? (In-Person Only)

No. Please leave things set up exactly as you find them. We have limited facility resources for last minute changes.


Can we add things to the PowerPoint?

No. Once the Summit begins we will not make any changes to the slides.


Can we add to the notes with some personal stories and/or take-aways from the Summit?

Yes! Please feel free to engage the people within your groups with stories. Just don’t take too much time away from the goal of the groups. We want men to connect with other men!


What if we gets tarted late? Can we edit the questions to accommodate?

Yes. It’s up to you to run the sessions. You have the goal and all the resources. If you need to adjust by eliminating questions, feel free. Or if you need to add some questions because guys go through the given questions too quickly, feel free to add some discussion questions from the microphone (but we will not add them to the slides).


How will men find their community groups? (In-Person Only)

We will give directions from the Main platform with a map on the big screens (and all screens throughout the building.) We will also have volunteers with signs stationed throughout the building and outside. There will be signage at each location designating campus.


How will we keep order while all the men are trying to get to their groups? (In-Person Only)

Non-Gateway attendees will be dismissed from the auditorium first and directed to their outside area. Southlake Campus will be dismissed next followed by the rest of the campuses. This will allow the two biggest crowds to get in place before we dismiss the other campuses making it easier for men to navigate to their Community Groups.